
Monday, August 29, 2016

What's Next for the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The leaders of the prospective TPP member countries in 2010.
The presidential campaign is the focus of the American political universe right now. That focus will only intensify over the next two and a half months as November 8 draws closer.

But despite that hyper-focus, there is actual governing to do after the campaign ends. Five key issues that will shape the post-election political agenda aren’t getting enough attention right now, in my estimation. 

Over the next two weeks I’ll discuss each of them. Today I wrote about the future of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Two-Party Problem

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein (Getty Images)
There are few things more tiresome than the quadrennial exercise of arguing about whether to vote for the lesser of two evils in American presidential elections. The combination of Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign, antipathy towards Hillary Clinton, and the specter of Donald Trump has made this year’s cycle particularly intense.